In the Loupe TV: Back Taper On Drills

In this short episode of In the Loupe TV, join the “Cutting Tool Counselor,” Don Grandt, as he talks about an important drill geometry, back taper. He’ll dive into what back taper is, why drills are designed with it, and important considerations to make when resharpening/regrinding drills.

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3 replies
  1. Susan Amundson-Knittel
    Susan Amundson-Knittel says:

    Good Morning, I just watched you video on the “Back Taper on Drills. Question, are these drills carbide and approximately how much comes off with a regrind 1/16 of an inch or 1/32? Thank you for your time, it is always fun to watch your short programs. I learn more this way than reading a book. Have a wonderful week and weekend.

    • Don Grandt
      Don Grandt says:

      To answer your question on Solid Carbide Drills. It would be approximately .00015 Tenths for every .062 Thousandths of removal off the end of the drill. This is on our Drills. Can’t speak for everyone’s. The industry will change that number pending the use. Hope this helps.



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